Our September cake decorator is Samantha from piecesofcake_bakery. She is a cake pops specialist! Every day she make mini tutorials on her Instagram page piecesofcake_bakery. She is so talented and we love her creativity!
1. How “Pieces of Cake Bakery” come to be?
When trying to figure out a name for my cake pop business, I thought, “Pieces of Cake” worked perfectly because cake pops are pieces of cake!
2. Where did you learn your Cake Decorating?
I learned from cake pop and cake decorating groups Facebook! I actually didn’t create an Instagram account until around August 2020! Prior to that, I was 100% on Facebook only, just trying to learn the right techniques!
3. What is your favorite part about being a cake decorator?
I love being able to create reels and share whatever knowledge I have with others!
4. Are you cake decorator full time? What about your day?
I’m a part time cake popper! My day job is working at a school!
5. Do you have any advice for those who want to approach Cake Decorating?
Be patient with yourself and have fun! It can be frustrating at first when you’re learning but that season will pass! Soon enough, you’ll look back at your first attempts and be like, “wow, I’ve definitely come a long way!”.
6. Do you have someone who inspired you? (You can tag 3/4 IG accounts)
Can I say my husband @jrunner76? 😆 He got me my first cake pop machine when I wanted to spend $4 on an awful looking cake pop from the grocery store. Hehehe. I’ve since abandoned that method but it was the story of my start!
Also, the big name bakers and undiscovered talent! We all have some level of talent and I’m here for all of it!